It's hard to believe that my little princess is already 3 1/2 months old. She's grown & changed so much in such a short amount of time.
She's the happiest little girl in the world 99% of the time (we're all cranky some times) & such a joy to be around. She's already got so much personality - she's nosy and stubborn, sweet and playful, small but strong. I honestly think she doesn't realize that she's so little and so young, because she's always trying to do something new & she's hit milestones that she's not supposed to be at for a couple more months. She's an amazing little person with a smile for pretty much everyone and if you let her she'll sit there and have quite the conversation with you. When she wants to be she's a little snuggle bunny, but she's also got an independent streak & she will let you know if you're annoying her, lol.
That's my little girl in one short paragraph. Clearly I could write so much more about her, but I'll share some pictures instead to catch you all up on the first 3 months.
At just about 1 month old
2 months old exactly
3 months old!